
Încălțăminte cu ridicata din Europa

Branded Shoe Mix


High-quality shoes from European brands such as Geox, Adidas, Vans, Ecco, Dr. Martens, Bugatti, Esprit, Nike, Primigi, Steve Madden, Dockers, Lloyd, Tommy Hilfiger, Havaianas, Gabor, Tamaris, Melvin & Hamilton, Marco Tozzi, New Balance and many more. Whether for women, men or children- in our new mix you will find all shoe categories for all four seasons and in all sizes. 

Rare goods on the market, it pays to be quick! Only for Export!

Contact our sales manager for more information and inquiries!



About Us

POSTSKRIPTUM GmbH, with a warehouse in Westhausen and an office in Stuttgart, is a German wholesale clothing distributor that offers high-quality women’s, men’s and children’s stock clothes from leading European brands.

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Contact Us

In der Wage 11, 73463 Westhausen, Germany

+49 711 92537912